Professor Dr. Sanjeev Bhoi’s

Critical Decision Ultrasound (CDU) Super Users Master Class

CDU is the technology of a Visual Stethoscope for Current Times in the practice of Acute Medicine. CDU Training is an important part of Emergency Medicine and many other specialties curriculum. With Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Department admission delays running into days the importance of CDU in diagnosing conditions and monitoring progress of waiting critical patients in the Emergency Department is increased profoundly.

This SuperUser Master Class covers the complete curriculum of CDU using a case based approach. A huge focus will be placed on intensive hands on training to accomplish confidence in conducting Ophthalmic, Cardiac, Lung, Gall Bladder, Kidney, Urinary Bladder , Nerve Blocks, FAST and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. Application of CDU in Resuscitation, Shock and Emergency Critical Care will be effected by gaining confidence in CDU